Developmental Editing for Memoir and Creative Nonfiction
You have a story that longs to find an audience.
You’ve spent time and care shaping your experiences into scenes and chapters. Maybe you’ve taken some writing classes or workshops and they’ve helped you get your story closer to its ideal form.
But you aren’t sure how to progress and you need a skilled hand to assess your manuscript and guide you to the next stage.
That’s where I come in.
Hi. I’m Lillian.
I work with writers of memoir and other types of creative nonfiction to help them make something useful and beautiful out of their personal stories and earned wisdom.
I’ll evaluate your manuscript with both you and your ideal reader in mind, honoring your perspective and voice as well as the reader’s need for an engaging and fulfilling story.
If your first draft is incomplete and you’re struggling with direction, I’ll work with you to identify the most compelling themes so you can get your best story down.
If you’ve revised a number of times and aren’t sure which elements are working and which aren’t, I’ll home in on the finer points that will make each chapter build seamlessly on the one before so you’re ready to query agents or self-publish.
Your story deserves to be told, and you deserve the support it takes to get it out into the world and in the hands of the readers who need it.
Here’s how we can work together.

Kind Words from Happy Clients